


在 2006年第一次到上海時

由少爺同學的媽媽帶著去城隍廟吃了 "南翔饅頭店"

當時只覺得這聞名的 "南翔小籠包" 怎麼那麼難吃啊



應該要到 "南翔饅頭店" 去吃

而且  最好到三樓去吃

我們說我們是到 "南翔饅頭店" 啊

只不過   我們是在一樓吃的

所以   我們一家就決定無論如何

這次在上海一定要到 "南翔饅頭店" 吃到正宗的 "南翔小籠包" .....


二樓和三樓是人擠人  大排長龍

沒辦法  只好再往四樓走



而且  在等的同時


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我們在 Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel 喜來登吉隆坡帝王酒店的頭幾晚是住在 Deluxe Room

那晚一到房間就感到有些悶熱   老爺就馬上把溫度調到最低






老爺就跟經理說因為長途飛行實在是太累不想動了  而且有了電風扇稍微比較好些

後來  經理又每隔一段時間就打來問問情況確定我們都還舒適

第二天  早班的櫃檯經理也打來問情況並說可以馬上換房間

因為  後來也覺得房間溫度還夠涼再加上過兩晚又要換到另一個房型

所以  老爺就跟經理說多了個風扇  房間的溫度也就涼多了 那也就不必麻煩換房間了



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常來我格子的格友們都知道我們一家旅遊時大都是住在 InterContinental Hotels 洲際酒店

為何 2009 年的吉隆坡之旅我們會住在 Sheraton Hotels 喜來登酒店呢 ?

主要是因為吉隆坡沒有 InterContinental Hotels 洲際酒店

雖然洲際酒店旗下的其他品牌在吉隆坡有酒店  但是地理位置對我們來說都不是很理想  

所以 我家老爺就選上這家 Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel  喜來登吉隆坡帝王酒店

這家喜來登酒店的住房環境和酒店設施都很 不錯

尤其是酒店服務員的服務態度親切  而且做事效率又好


Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel  喜來登吉隆坡帝王酒店一定是我們的第一選擇

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之所以會去這家 Bistro 式的法國餐廳 C’est bon! 是因為我家老爺看到一本曼谷旅遊書上推薦的. 又剛好它就在我們待的旅館 “曼谷洲際酒店” (InterContinental Bangkok Hotel) 的旁邊

 於是決定去吃吃看. 同時想說把 C’est bon! 跟我們最愛的Bistro 式法國餐廳 Chapeau! 來做個比較

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InterContinental Berchtesgaden Resort 德國貝希特斯加登洲際渡假酒店是在 2005 年的夏天正式開幕

那年   我家老爺就特別安排暑假的歐洲之旅到這兒享受了幾天阿爾卑斯山脈的美景

同時   也有機會體驗到這全新渡假酒店的總統套房 ( Presidential Suite ) 和 兩層式套房 ( Duplex Suite )

在這裡先介紹 InterContinental Berchtesgaden Resort 德國貝希特斯加登洲際渡假酒店的 Duplex Suite 兩層式套房 .....

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InterContinental Berchtesgaden Resort 德國貝希特斯加登洲際渡假酒店精心設計的游泳池設施真不虧是五星級.

當你在這室內的溫水游泳池游泳時  還是可以看到綠樹叢叢的阿爾卑斯山脈

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Hyatt Place Scottsdale/Old Town Arizona 04/2008


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沒想到幾個月前帶老媽到奧克蘭 (Oakland) 的中國城看推拿醫生時 

無意中發現到這家好吃的 " 山東館 "


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B-18722     China Airlines Cargo   中華航空貨機     B744F

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Air China First Class Lounge - Domestic     中國國際航空頭等貴賓室 - 國內航線

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2008   中國國際航空 A330-200 商務艙:  北京 - 溫哥華

2008   中國國際航空 B737-800 頭等艙:  上海浦東 - 北京

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Singapore Airlines Silver Kris Lounge     新加坡航空貴賓室

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因為先前體驗過 Virgin Atlantic Airways (VS) 維珍航空 並留下極好的印象後

Virgin America (VX) 維珍美國航空 2007 年開航時就一直很想坐坐看

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Trip to Helsinki Finland 07/2007



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Holiday Inn Seongbuk Seoul 03/2008



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The Luxury Rome Cavalieri Hilton Hotel 3/2003



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Hyatt Summerfield Suites Denver Tech Center Colorado 6/2008



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Chichen Itza - UNESCO World Heritage Site 08/2004



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InterContinental The Barclay New York 1/2006


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La Tour D'Argent - A Memorable Dinner in Paris 06/2005


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Plaza Premium Lounge      環亞機場貴賓室

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Twice Around Paris In Two Minutes - Also Know As "The Traffic Circle Video" 04/2007



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Visit To The World's Tallest Twin Towers - Kuala Lumpur Petronas Towers 04/2009



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High Speed Beijing-Tianjin Train 12/2008


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Kuala Lumpur Monorail 04/2009



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Tokyo Narita Airport Limousine Bus 04/2009



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Early Morning Visit To Tokyo Tsukiji Fish Market  04/2009


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Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge - Terminal D International      加拿大航空楓葉貴賓室 - 國際航線 D 航廈

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2009   韓亞航空 B747-400 Combi 商務艙:  首爾 - 洛杉磯

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好奇的是 ..... 機場附近的海灣裡能釣到甚麼魚呢?

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ANA First Class Lounge      全日空頭等貴賓室 - 第一航廈內第四衛星航廈

ANA Lounge - Satellite 4      全日空貴賓室 - 第一航廈內第四衛星航廈

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Star Alliance Lounge - TBIT (Tom Bradley International Terminal)     星空聯盟貴賓室 - TBIT 國際航廈

06/2006   United Airlines First Class Lounge - Terminal 7       聯航航空頭等貴賓室 - 第七航廈

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2009  新加坡航空 B777-200 商務艙:  新加坡 - 吉隆坡

2007 / 2006  新加坡航空 B747-400 頭等艙:  洛杉磯 - 東京 / 東京 - 洛杉磯

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2009  聯合航空 B747-400 新頭等艙:  洛杉磯 - 東京

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2009  全日空 Club ANA Asia 商務艙:  東京 - 新加坡

2008  全日空 New Style Club ANA 商務艙:  東京 - 舊金山

2007  全日空 New Style Club ANA 商務艙:  洛杉磯 - 東京

2005  全日空 Club ANA 商務艙:  舊金山 - 東京

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有的花型像大理花 ... 有的像牡丹 ... 有的像茶花 ... 有的像杜鵑

滿園的花香更是引來蜜蜂來訪 .....


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這家阿宗麵線位於南加州 San Gabriel 市裡的 San Gabriel Square 全統廣場內

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舊金山的玫瑰園 ( Rose Garden ) 位於金門公園 ( Golden Gate Park ) 的 John F. Kennedy Drive 和 Park Presidio Drive 之間.

將近五十年前  美國玫瑰花協會舊金山分會的會員想找塊地來哉培和改良玫瑰花品種


於是在 1961 年  金門公園的助理警司設計了這片玫瑰園

如今  在這個玫瑰園裡種植有六十多個不同品種的玫瑰花


所以在這個玫瑰園裡一年四季都可欣賞到不同顏色和各種花型的玫瑰 ~~~

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這幾年來在外旅遊待過不少 InterContinental Hotels  洲際酒店

尤其對峇里島的洲際渡假酒店  InterContinental Bali Resort  特別的喜愛

喜愛他的海灘   喜愛他的環境   喜愛他的客房   更喜愛他的貼心服務


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Memorial Day (陣亡將士紀念日) 的周末  天氣是好得不能再好了

星期日把少爺送到朋友家  在回家的路上見到滿天的滑翔翼

老爺就說繞到 Fort Funston 看看

Fort Funston 除了是玩滑翔翼的好地方外


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" 鷹巢" ( Kehlsteinhaus, Eagle’s Nest) 位於德國 Bavaria 南部的 Berchtesgaden (貝希特斯加登) 附近海拔 1881米的阿爾卑斯山脈上
這棟瑞士農舎風格 (Chalet-Style) 的別墅屋是納粹黨黨務中心領導人馬丁鲍曼 (Martin Bormann) 在 1938 年下令建造作為希特勒的50歲生日禮物
1945年, 第二次世界大戰期間, 盟軍曾對 "鷹巢" 進行轟炸, 但整棟建築物並未受到損害
今天  "鷹巢" 已成為德國的熱門觀光景點



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趁著復活節假期   一家人來個東京 / 吉隆坡旅遊


可都是因為轉機關係   卻沒有真正的踏入東京一步

所以   選擇東京為旅遊點主要是為了他

至於   為何選擇吉隆坡呢 .....

因為   沒去過 !! 



於是  三人一到了東京就累到在酒店裡猛睡


結果      好多想吃的沒吃到 ... 想看的沒看到 ... 想去的沒去到

不過呢 .....

飛機飛得很過癮 ( 屁屁都快坐爛啦 !!   )

酒店住得很舒服 ( 意思是說  睡得很舒服     ) ~~~~~

NRT 2009

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2008 年十月初在 " 華爾街日報 " (The Wall Street Journal) 網站上的 " The Middle Seat Terminal " blog 裡看到這篇有關如何選個最好的飛機座位的文章,   在此與大家分享 .....


Posted by Matt Phillips 
The Middle Seat Terminal
The Wall Street Journal

As airlines stay on the prowl for ancillary revenues, some are starting to look at your seat.

In May, US Airways began charging customers between $5 and $30 for aisle or window seats. Fee charts show AirTran, United, Northwest, JetBlue, Midwest and even fee-averse Southwest also have some form of seating charges. 

So if you’re paying to pick a prime seat — or if you just want to avoid getting stuck in a bad one — how do you choose wisely? 

For some help, we picked the brain of Huey Lee, who founded  SeatExpert.com  in 2002. For years, Lee — an information technology analyst and veteran road warrior — had amassed a collection of cocktail napkins on which he’d scribbled notes about the best seats on different planes, which eventually became he basis for the site.

Today,  SeatExpert  offers color-coded seat maps of aircraft operated by a range of domestic and international carriers. And using information gleaned from airlines, frequent travelers, and industry sources, the site warns you of seats that don’t recline, abut the galley, or have been shoehorned into the rear of the plane. Here are some key tips and takeaways from Lee’s quick chat with the Terminal.:

–Aim for a seat in the front of the plane. You’ll feel the least impact from turbulence, and food service will reach you first, so you’re practically guaranteed your choice of meal. On international flights, sitting in the back usually means that you’ll wind up at the end of the line for immigration and customs. And if you if you prefer to avoid kids, airlines tend to seat families together in the back of the plane, probably because there are more groups of open seats there. 

–Different kinds of travelers prefer different kinds of seats. In general, Lee finds business travelers prefer aisle seats, which allow them to exit the plane most quickly. Leisure travelers often opt for windows, since they’re less concerned about getting a head start to the gate. 

–Beware exit rows. A lot of people pick exit-row seats, thinking they’ll get more legroom. But in many aircraft, especially Airbus A380s and Boeing 737s — seats in the first of the two exit rows do not recline fully, and some don’t recline at all. It’s a common complaint.

–Seats at the back of the plane may be more cramped because the fuselage narrows  toward the back. In some cases, seats in the last few rows can be as much as an inch narrower than seats in the front. Also, the overhead bins in the back are often reserved for the cabin crew’s equipment. 

–Re-check the availability of seats before you fly. Airlines often upgrade elite customers in the days before a flight, so check online to see if a better seat has opened up. (Tip: After you’ve bought a ticket, some airline Web sites won’t let you check the seat map. An easy way around that: Begin the process of booking another ticket on the flight until you get to the screen where it permits you to choose your seat.) 

–Opt for aisle seats on the bulkhead.  There’s more legroom, and you don’t have to disturb other travelers if you need to get up. But they’re hard to snare. You’ll likely have to pay extra, or at least be a low-level frequent flier to be able to snatch one of these primo spots. 

–Use the charm offensive if you’re plopped in the middle seat. Be polite and nice to the flight attendant. The crew often needs people to move around to help them seat families or couples together. By being friendly, you improve your chances of getting picked to move on up. 

–Remember, not all window seats have windows. You can use SeatExpert.com to check out which ones do and which ones don’t. 

–Print out a seat map from a Web site before going to the airport. Sometimes you can change your seat when you check in.

Readers, where do you like to sit on the plane? Got any tips or tricks to share about snagging a good seat?

~~ 轉貼 ~~

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